If you're questioning this, it's true:
most people don’t realize that 99% of molecules in the human body are Water molecules. When we say 99% of molecules in the human body are water, we are discussing the percentage of molecules in the human body, not the percentage of mass weight of these molecules.
The elemental composition of the human body can be examined from the point of view of either mass composition or atomic (molecular) composition. By body mass weight, the average adult male is approximately 60% Water, although when measuring the number of molecules in the human body, these same Water molecules comprise 99% of the total number of molecules in the human body.
Even so, the above statistic of 60% is relatively vague quantitatively. The human body's water content by weight actually ranges between 42% and 75%, and there can be considerable variation in the percentage of body water mass based on factors like age, health, weight, and gender.
For example, the Water percentage by body weight is, on average, 48% +/- for females and 58% +/- for males, and the body weight of a newborn infant constitutes as much as 75%, whereas in an overweight person it could be as little as 45% Water by weight.
"The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDxGuelphU"
Read more about Gerald's work:
*Malada Bay blog: "99% of Your Molecules are Water"
Cision PR Web
"Human Body May Be 99% Water Reports Water Researcher Gerald Pollack, PhD
Interview by Luke Hancock and Echan Deravy
Get your copy of The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack:
