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Connecting To The Waters of Creation

Ceremonial Practices Connecting To The Waters of Creation: A water blessing to offer and cultivate every day

Step ONE …Connecting into the Divine Flow

Personal Preparation:

Find a comfortable place to stand or sit where you have a few moments to be still and undisturbed.

Place your hands on your heart , close your eyes and connect inward to the water within your own body and being.

1. Take in a deep breath and fill-up, hold the breath for moment or two, and then gently release it with the sound of AHHHH. Ah is the sound of the heart-light tuning in, like turning an ignition switch on.

2. Feel the loving presence of liquid light rise up in a clock-wise motion throughout your physical and energetic form, as you gently and softly say this statement either out loud or in your heart.


Sending deep thanks, prayers and blessings inward to all of the liquid substances within your being.


Step TWO… Tuning into our Divine Flowing Power and Presence

Personal Preparation: Place your hands facing outward palms up and connect outward to the waters surrounding your own body and being.

1. Take in a deep breath and fill-up, hold the breath for moment or two, and then gently release it with the sound of Ohhhh. Oh is the sound of our power center in the heart, like an engine firing up.

2. Feel the living presence of liquid light descend downward in a counter clock-wise motion throughout your physical and energetic form as you say this statement gently and softly either out loud or in your heart,


Sending deep thanks, prayers and blessings outward to all of the liquid substances surrounding your being.


Step THREE…Directing our Divine Flowing Power and Presence

Personal Preparation:

Place your hands facing palm to palm without touching in preparation for prayer pose and connect the inward and outward flowing waters together in your own body and being.

1. Take in a deep breath and fill-up, hold the breath for moment or two, and then gently release it with the sound of HMMMM like a humming sound. MMMM is the sound of our power center in the heart, flowing with life-force pranna…Like an engine in preparation for movement.

2. Feel the living presence of liquid light in a spiraling swirling motion throughout the heart both in a counter clock-wise and cock-wise motion throughout your physical and energetic form as you say this statement gently and softly either out loud or in your heart,

3. "I AM LOVE"

Sending deep thanks, prayers and blessings inward and outward to all of the living breathing liquid substances within and surrounding your being.


Step Four …Uniting and Commanding the Divine Flowing Power and Presence with ALL:

Personal Preparation: Place your hands prayer pose with your two thumbs connecting into your heart center, unite the inward and outward flowing waters together.

1. Take in a deep breath and fill-up, hold the breath for moment or two, and then gently release it with the sound of AHH-OHH-MMMM the seed sound in all of creation. AH-OH—MMM is the sound of our power center in the heart, sending the life-giving pranna inward and outward.

2. Imagine or feel the bottom and top of a tube-like structure open…like a straw large enough to surround your whole body. Imagine or feel it to be about 4-5 feet beneath and above your body. Flowing and spiraling throughout the tube sending healing harmonizing waters upward and downward throughout all of the energetic and physical bodies of your being. Finally imagine or feel this energy being sent around your body like a swirling, spiraling sphere or torus of living liquid light. the liquid waters constantly circulating and cycling through your body and being.

As you say this statement gently and softly either out loud or in your heart…



The vehicle is ready to receive and transmit commands in all action.


Step FIVE …Connecting into the Divine Flow of All Physical Waters

Repeat this process for the physical watercourses in your local watershed.

Connect to the living breathing flowing rivers of energy moving through the internal underground aquifers and watercourses.

Feel and imagine the external watercourses and watersheds being replenished and harmonized.

Feel the heart of the physical waters and watercourses situated beneath you, above, side to side, and front to back... Connect to the living breathing flowing rivers of energy moving through them.

Use the same visualizations as the above exercises and saying the statements as above in this way:






COPYRIGHT 2016 Teachings- KA’ryna SH’ha “Ceremonial Exercises For Connecting To The Waters Of Creation”


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