KA'ryna SH'ha
:: KA’ryna SH’ha is an acclaimed mystic, award winning multi-media artist,
:: published poet, choral singer, musician and teacher of Ascended
:: Consciousness. Her radiant, sensitive and loving awareness inspires us
:: to awaken into the Grace of Presence…she calls the heart-field of
:: Enlightenment. As a universal way-shower, she shares expert guidance
:: and spiritual wisdom in Living our Luminous Legacy ... the path to
:: realizing our Sovereign, Noble and Divine nature. Her multi-sensory and
:: immersive events transport guests into realms of pure bliss!
:: With over 25 years of experience in private practice as a metamorphic
:: mentor to countless clients world-wide, KA’ryna SH’ha feels so blessed
:: to serve this council as a catalyst for the Global Atunement and Ascended
:: Awakening of the Conscious, Compassionate and Coherent Heart of
:: all sentient life.
For more information: : Website: www.karynashha.com :: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karynalove :: Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/karynabless :: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KarynaSHha :: Contact: 647 379 2072 :: Email: karynalove@live.com